About AVID Sociology

We founded avid sociology because we are both passionate about teaching and learning sociology in ways that engage students.  As professors, we try to engage our students through reading, writing, and discussion but we also like to mix in

Interactive Features   &

While the web is a great place for finding sociological stories and interesting analyses,  we had a harder time  finding links to the types of activities, videos, interactive features, and data that we like to use to engage our classes. We began this blog as a way to compile our resources and share them with others and hope that you will find these resources helpful when you teach in your own classroom.

We know that other sociology teachers are as passionate as we are, and are often looking for new and interesting ways to present information to students.  We have helped you out by keeping many of those ideas in the same place.  We hope that you will add many of them to your syllabus or lecture plan.

We also know that we all have days where we are running short on lecture prep time. We know that we just need one good idea to get that discussion going. [We have all been there.  I can recall frantically typing something like  "good videos on deindustrialization" into youtube and crossing my fingers that whatever I watched on my lunchbreak would be the perfect video to show my class]. We hope that your can take those searches here- and find something that will appeal to your students.

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