Links We Click

Just as this blog is a chance for us to share our ideas with you, we get many of our teaching ideas from others. Here is a list of blogs and websites that we love to click - we hope that you are inspired by some of them.

Sociology Teaching Resources

ASA Teaching and Learning Resources: ASA's website also has additional links to teaching and learning websites including the link to Trails, ASA's online website/library where you can find and publish syllabi, course assignments, in-class exercises, and paper topic suggestions.

The Sociological Cinema: This website is designed to help Sociology instructors select video clips and full-length videos for use in the classroom (usually contemporary issues and current events).  There are often good summaries or suggested discussion topics that accompany each entry.  The website also has a blog and a section of assignment suggestions.

Everyday Sociology Blog: This blog by sociologists that includes searchable posts of commentary on contemporary issues.  (By W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.) This blog works well for finding material to use in class discussions.
Sociological Images: This blog contains posts by sociologists "designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry". The material here is usually current and is great for class discussions.

Media Education Foundation: Educational videos about media, culture, and society for the classroom.  In addition to previews of films to use in class, there are also study guides, handouts, transcripts of the films, and book suggestions.

Helpful Topical Resources

The Representation Project:
This is the companion site to the documentaries Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In.

Gender Talk:
Information about the language of gender + helpful resources about the transgender community

Feminist blog, specifically aimed at young women.

Gender Ads Project:
Just what it sounds like -with many interesting examples.

Inequality by Interior Design:
A blog by Sociologist Tristan Bridges about "the relationship between gender and sexual inequality and social space"
Popular blog that focuses on women's issues and interests.

Sociology of Sports
Edge of Sports:
Journalist Dave Zirin's blog with current stories about the intersection of sports and social, political issues.

Power, Oppression, and Privilege in Sport:
Current stories on sport and inequality.

Data and Methods

Flowing Data:
The best of data visualizations from around the web. Not always sociological but always interesting.

Data in the News:
Blog focused on helping students in the social sciences improve their quantitative skills.

Junk Charts:
The best examples of what NOT to do when it comes to presenting data.

Nate Silver's crew uses data to ask and answer questions about the social world. The examples are great for teaching certain concepts in  methods courses.

Other Sociological Topics
Family Inequality:
Thoughts on the title topic by sociologist Philip Cohen. He includes entries of many types of family inequality: such as issues concerning race, class, gender, and sexuality.

Understanding Society: UnderstandingSociety:
A blog written by philosopher of social science Daniel Little.  He is particularly interested in China and Southeast Asia and his blogs often focus on both contemporary and historical political issues.

Blog with current thoughts on race and popular culture.

Reports from the Economic Front:
Blog from economics professor Marty Hart-Landsberg contains interesting stories about income inequality.

News and Current EventsJournalism that speaks to our sociological imaginations and is often a source for current events, news, and student reading assignments.

Slate Magazine:
TED Talks: TED Talks:
Mother Jones:
Think Progress:
The Upshot (NY Times):
Color Lines:
The Nation:
The Atlantic:

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