Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Masculinities and playing basketball in a wheelchair [Video]

I ask students in my gender classes to think about intersectionality and hierarchies of power within gender categories. This semester I used Coston and Kimmel’s (2012) article “Seeing Privilege Where It Isn’t: Marginalized Masculinities and the Intersectionality of Privilege” to encourage students to think about non-hegemonic masculinities.  Coston and Kimmel ask how men in their study who are disabled, gay, or working-class “navigate and access their privilege within the confines of a particular social role that limits, devalues, and often stigmatizes them as not-men.”  They apply Goffman’s (1963) three strategies used to neutralize stigma: minstrelization, normification, and militant chauvinism.
In addition to talking about Coston and Kimmel's study, I like to show students this advertisement of men playing basketball in wheelchairs.  I ask students to discuss the video clip in light of what we have learned about minstrelization, normification, and militant chauvinism.  You might consider asking other questions like: What assumptions do we have about masculinity and bodily ability?  What characteristics or qualities in men does this ad validate?

Coston, Bethany M. and Michael Kimmel. 2012. “Seeing Privilege Where It Isn’t: Marginalized Masculinities and the Intersectionality of Privilege." Journal of Social Issues 68(1): 97-111.
Goffman, Erving. 1963. Stigma: Notes on the Management of a Spoiled Identity. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

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