Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Gun Deaths in America

When teaching about gun violence, it is helpful to have data. It's even more helpful to have that data visualized.

fivethirtyeight put together an impressive visualization: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/gun-deaths/

In this series of images, each square represents one death.  The images will allow students to see how the gun deaths that dominate our conversations (mass shootings, violence by and against police, and terrorism) are minimal compared to suicides and homicides. The charts also show how this gun violence is connected with gender, age, and race.

Once you scroll through the data, you can explore it on your own using filters.

To compare the US to other countries, check out this data put together by the Upshot: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/upshot/compare-these-gun-death-rates-the-us-is-in-a-different-world.html?_r=0

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