Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Are you Comfortable Talking about Race? [Video]

If you follow AVID, you will quickly learn that I love Comedy Sketches!  I like to use them as a way to wake up the class, but also to break the ice on certain topics that might need breaking.

Race is one of those topics.  Race can make many students uncomfortable. Students who identify as non-white have experiences, but worry about speaking up, particularly in predominantly white colleges and universities.  White students also feel uncomfortable, particularly when they share a classroom with non-white students AND when the topic turns away from celebrating diversity and pop culture and towards structural inequalities.  The SNL cast pokes fun at that level of discomfort.  Watch how the mood changes as the black students shift their song from one of celebration to one of injustice.

I plan to use this sketch to break the ice when I talk about talking about race.

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