Thursday, August 7, 2014

Finding Data About Education [Data]

The National Center for Education Statistics provides links to data that can be very useful when discussing the Sociology of Education in your courses. You can look at enrollment, educational attainment, school districts, teachers--and many other topics that might be of interest to you and your students.   The available data changes depending on the level of education that you are interested in.

The upside: The data are extensive - with so much to choose from, you will surely find data to help students who are completing methods projects or you will come up with interesting talking and discussion points for class.

The downside: The data are extensive -- they feel overwhelming! This might be mitigated by a better table search feature.

Link to the site here:

(This link brings you to the 2012 table data. If you would rather see other years, just change the year using the drop down menu. If you would rather see charts and maps, click the radio button for "Figures" on the top right.)

Here is an example of a  figure that I found on the site.
Figure 16. Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions in selected fields of study: 2000–01, 2005–06, and 2010–11

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