Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sexuality, Deviance, and Sport [Videos]

When Michael Sam came out as the first gay NFL player, a series of great sociological discussion followed both inside and outside of the sport landscape.  Should Sam's homosexuality be considered deviant?  Will he be a distraction? And how does this compare to other types of deviance that NFL players are often associated with?

These humorous satirical videos might help you in your class discussions about this topic. Because there are multiple videos, I am using links instead of embedding the videos

How To Talk To Your Kids About Michael Sam:

Jon Stewart - Friday Night Rights:

Colbert Report on Sam's Draft Day Kiss:

Newcaster Dale Hansen on Celebrating Difference:

*Newer Link * The Daily Show's Samantha Bee presents an interesting contradiction. Locker room culture often involves butt-slapping and penis jokes...yet many players express discomfort with a gay man in the lockeroom.

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