Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gender and Emotions in Politics [Video]

This video "The Broads Must Be Crazy - Belittled Women" from The Daily Show with John Stewart mocks the idea that women are overly emotional and unsuited for politics.

Video link

I use this video in conjunction with the resources below to start a discussion about assumptions concerning women's ability to be successful in political positions due to their supposed "emotionality."  I call this section "Policing Powerful Women."

Article: Carlin, Diana B. and Kelly L. Winfrey. 2009. "Have You Come a Long Way, Baby? Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Sexism in 2008 Campaign Coverage." Communication Studies 60(4): 326-343.

Video: Bill O'Reilly "There has to be a downside to a woman president"

Image from

Slideshow of Images: 10 Stereotypes of Women in Power

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