Friday, August 29, 2014

Inequality Is [Interactive Feature]

I was pleased to stumble across the Periscopic site today because I found another interactive tool that I have used before to teach Economic Inequality. I had forgotten about this--but now I will  make sure to  use it this year. This tool was produced for the Economic Policy Institute.

Click here to link to:
Inequality Is

The interactive feature is broken down into a few sections.

  1. Inequality is real. Students use an interactive feature to propose an ideal income distribution and to guess at what the US income distribution is. Once they finish, they are shown the actual distribution.
  2. Inequality is Personal. Students select demographic criteria that describe themselves. They will then see how their average incomes compares to others.
  3. Inequality is Expensive.  If you put in your salary,  you can compare yourself to what you WOULD have been making is productivity and compensation increased at similar rates.
  4. Inequality is Created. Students watch a short video on economic inequality. 
  5. Inequality is Fixable. Students can click on certain bubbles to examine suggestions for improving inequality. Through this section, they can also link to more resources and action items on each topic. They can also examine certain myths about inequality.

Throughout each section, students can select small pop out windows to get more information.

This is a really great site. My only issue is that there are a few spots where you get stuck and aren't sure which button to click to move you forward through the series of interactive videos.

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