Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Is there a gender wage gap? An economist's argument using socialization and human capital [Video]

In this video clip, "Do Women Earn Less than Men?" by LearnLiberty.org,  the speaker uses graphics to explain the argument that once socialization and human capital are accounted for, the wage gap between men and women grows smaller.  He also articulates the argument that wage differences are due to individual choice rather than discrimination in the labor market.  Although I present this video alongside sociological arguments that dispute the one presented in the video, I do think it is useful for students to gain a better understanding of why the gender wage gap is a controversial and disputed topic.  Additionally, it is useful for them to consider how different perspectives—both using data—can come to different conclusions with different “real life” implications.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwogDPh-Sow

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