Monday, October 27, 2014

The "baseball analogy" as a sexual script [Activity]

What does it mean to “get to first base?”  What is "second base?"  And "third base?"  What counts as a “hook up?”  These two graphics are useful in discussing the idea of sexual scripts.  The first, here, is a playful depiction of the “baseball analogy” of sexual activity.  The second, here, is a list of analogies built off the baseball metaphor.  I find these are fun ways to start a conversation about sexual scripts.

As an activity, you might assign individuals or groups to draw a baseball diamond and label each base with the corresponding sexual activity (according, of course, to their understandings of the bases).  Then, as a class, you can discuss the variations and similarities between individuals'/groups' work.  Be mindful that not everyone will be familiar with this analogy--or with the baseball diamond!


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